(Besides birthing, loving, nurturing, and raising their son into the man that he is today.)
Punishing their son.
All parents have their own method of punishing their children. Their hopes are generally that their methods are beneficial while being effective. Take for instance the punishment of removing television from a young child's routine. It's beneficial for the parents because instead, the kid picks up a book. Effective, because you know there's no way in heck that child will never disobey again.
I hope for my husband's parents' sake that their efforts were effective. But were they beneficial? Absolutely.
As a child, my husband was punished by being put into an apron (at least this is how I like to imagine it), put into the kitchen, and told to cook.
Ah, what a genius idea! If I had even had the slightest glimpse into my future as a child, I would not have spent all those sleepless nights lying awake wondering: "How will I succeed at being a wife someday? It takes me nearly 3 hours to cook breakfast now? Will feeding my future husband ramon noodles merit heaven when I die? Will I spend the rest of my days in jail for failing to feed my groom?"
It didn't matter. And if I had known that, I would have slept better those 15+ years. 1,675 miles away from my sleepless self was my husband, as a child, being scolded for that practical "joke" he had played on his sister. And because of it, was cooking a feast. And more than just preparing food, he was being molded into the man who would become my husband. (And sparing me from murdering through malnutrition.) I tell you, God sure knows what He's doing when He inspires parents on how to punish His children.
And I am so grateful that my husband was a bad child.
Em, You are the best!!!! I love all the posts..... it is truly you on paper (well, the screen on my computer.... but I like to imagine you writing the blog with a feather and ink by candle light instead)!
I must say, you have depicted yourself and Jim so well. I feel as I know you both better than I did before.
And, if I ever get to come see that house, I hope to enjoy some of Jim's wonderful work in the kitchen!
ok, so whenever YOU are bad (like shrinking jim's sweaters), i vote that jim give you a cooking lesson! what will you do when jim is old and grey and you are the only one that can cook! poor guy! :)
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